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‘Fixed Ratio’ Money Management



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Futures Trading Systems SpacerMoney management is the most important and overlooked subject intrading!

In my opinion, the best money management system forForex/Futures traders is outlined in great detail in Ryan Jones’book The Trading Game: Playing by the Numbers to Make Millions.In this book, he teaches ‘Fixed Ratio’ money management. Thismethod, he argues, will help any trading system as long as it isprofitable over time.

This is how to put the fixed ratio money management system intopractice:

1. Start with the total number of dollars in your tradingaccount. For example let’s say it’s 1000 USD.

2. Now pick how many pips profit you need to achieve before youtrade with more lots. Let’s say 200 pips (10 pips/day for 20trading days in a month average).

3. Now start trading .1 mini lots (which is profit/loss 1 USD).You would only increase to .2 lots after gaining 200 pips. Whenyou gain 200 more pips profit you would trade .3 lots etc…

4.Here is an example of how fixed ratio trading would work:

Month 1: $1000 + (200 pips x .1 lot = $200 ) Total: $1200

You start with $1000 in your trading account and after 1 monthof trading you gain 200 pips profit trading .1 lots. You nowhave $1200 in your trading account. You are now at the nextlevel. If your account balance falls below $1200 then you willgo back to trading .1 lots.

Month 2: $1200 + (200 pips x .2 lots = $400) Total: $1600

You now start month two with $1200 and gain 200 pips profittrading .2 lots. You now have $1600 in your trading account. Youare now on the next level. If your account falls below $1600then you will go back to trading .2 lots.

Month 3: $1600 + (200 pips x .3 lots = $600) Total: $2200

You now start month three with $1600 and gain 200 pips profittrading .3 lots. You now have $2200 in your trading account. Youare now on the next level. If your account falls below $2200then you will go back to trading .3 lots.

Month 4: $2200 + (200 pips x .4 lots = $800) Total: $3000 Younow start month four with $2200 and gain 200 pips profit trading.4 lots. You now have $3000 in your trading account. You are nowon the next level. If your account falls below $3000 then youwill go back to trading .4 lots.

Month 5: $3000 + (200 pips x .5 lots = $1000) Total: $4000

You now start month four with $3000 and gain 200 pips profittrading .5 lots. You now have $4000 in your trading account. Youare now on the next level. If your account falls below $4000then you will go back to trading .5 lots.


Month 6: $4000 + (200 pips x .6 lots = $1200) Total: $5200 Month7: $5200 + (200 pips x .7 lots = $1400) Total: $6600 Month 8:$6600 + (200 pips x .8 lots = $1600) Total: $8200 Month 9: $8200+ (200 pips x .9 lots = $1800) Total: $10000 Month 10:$10,000 +(200 pips x 1 lot = $2000) Total: $12000

Notice that gaining an average of 10 pips a day, along withfixed ratio money management helps your equity growasymmetrically. Your $1000 turned into $12,000 in 10 months!

Notice that your trading system doesn’t have to always hit ahome run, you simply need to average 10 pips/day in thisexample.

If you wanted to be more conservative than the above example,you could simply add more pips profit in the formula. Forexample you could only increase number of lots traded aftergaining 400 pips instead of 200 pips like in my example. Thiswould mean slower growth. Try setting up a fixed ratio moneymanagement plan before you start your next live trade!

This unique approach to day trading the EUR/USD involves usingfinancial Fractals and no other technical indicators, asoutlined in the Euro Fractal Trading System.

About the author:

Cynthia Macy has been trading various markets for over 12 yearsbut now concentrates on the forex market and is the co-author of3 forex training ebooks.

For more comprehensive trading information, visit her otherwebsites at:



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